Children film

Participate in musical workshops

Workshops are entirely dedicated to musical awakening. Designed for a group of 10-30, workshops are intended for children between 3 and 7 years. Parents can choose to participate or not to participate in the workshop.
Contact us to receive schedule !

Create your workshop

LAMI Workshops can be created by yourself.
Here is a workshop created by Rio Suwa for her daughter Tomoka.
Interested in creating a LAMI workshop ?

Kineko, Kinder film festival, Tokyo

10 workshops were done during the children film festival in Tokyo : Kinder film festival, 2014.
Musical workshops were done before each movie screening. Children enjoyed the musical world and started to differentiate sounds.

Setagaya monotsukuri gakko, Tokyo

A 5 hours workshop was done at Setagaya Monotsukuri Gakko, Tokyo, 2014.
After viewing the episodes, the workshop was organized in three parts:
1- Understanding of the story.
2- Design and placement of notes on a score.
3- Songs and ear's training.